ترجمة الموقع

09 ديسمبر، 2013

hanan Masaud



I loved attending a lesson for Miss Hanan for she used intersting activities and games  with her ss 

her a preef note about the lesson by her ...

 I put some pictures on the board which they studied  before. I asked them about the pictures and I wrote the name of each picture under it.
_When the say the name of all the pictures correctly l asked them to close their  eyes  then I changed the order of the pictures. I asked one of the students to order the pictures. I did this several times .
_After that I started to point to each picture and ask yes \no question. For example I pointed at the picture of apple and asked Is this an apple? Then answer  Yes it is.
Then asked Ss to repeat after me for all the pictures. Then I did the same with no  it isn’t .
 _I asked students about colors  and items in class using yes\ no questions.
_Then as a practice I chose one student from each group and gave  them cards and asked them to choose one for each group and run to answer it with their friends. When they finished I asked  them to clap for the first three groups.  
_After that I told the Ss to open their books to page 24.
I told them that the grandmother is giving Fatima a gift.
Then I asked them about what they can see in the picture . For example about colours and what is the gift?
_They listen to the dialogue then repeat with it . After they listen to it for about three times I asked them to act it.
_After all that we play the game that mentioned in the book by using the pictures that on the board. I chose two Ss and asked one of them to choose a picture with out seeing it  but the other student see it. She asked her friend yes\no questions until she discover it. I played this game with several Ss.

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