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good ideas

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Miss Rahama has a good idea for ss portfilios .She made it into sections and ss add their own work into it

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☭☭فواصل متحركة لعيونكم يا فتوكات☭☭☭ 

Miss Nada made some  motivating charts to encourage her students and shared it with us her ways

group work
when ss are working in 3 groups. Every Tim a group take a point, the teacher rise them a step on the ladder.The team that makes it to the bee hive wins 

the same idea for two teams

  Who's turn is it?
 in this chart , teacher give her ss 4 colors to choose from ,and ss chooses a roller from the pocket with the same color and answer the question on it .It can be used as an application at the end of the class or a warmup revision at the beginning .

 Names chart


thanks Miss.Nada for sharing your bright ideas with us .

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Miss Thani keeps her ss interested in the lesson and gives them a list of the hard words of the unit at the beginning of each week and ask them to look for its type (part of speech ) and meaning in the dictionary .They work on this for an entire class ,so that when they start in the lessons they already familiar with the new words and its meaning.   


فواصل 2012 2012 اكسسورات للمواضيع
Miss . Samirah teaches 4th grade and she has a nice idea to follow up with them
الاستاذة سميرة تدرس الصف الرابع الابتدائي و لديها طريقة رائعة لمتابعتهن و هي مناسبة للفصول المزدحمة

فواصل قلوب فواصل قلوب لتزيين
 she gives every group a paper,they write there names on it and divide it into sections 
for every group there is a leader whom put a chick mark for each student that answers in the lesson and the sections of the paper is divided according to the lesson 
chick it out
تقوم بتوزيع اوراق على  المجموعات كل مجموعة ورقة واحدة يكتب فيها اسماء الطالبات في الصفوف العرضية و في الصفوف الطولية اسماء الدروس و تقوم رئيسة المجموعة بوضع علامة صح عند الطالبة التي تجيب و تشارك في الدرس المطلوب و بهذا تتمكن المعلمة من معرفة مستوى الطالبات و متابعتهن عن طريق طالباتها
شكرا استاذة سميرة على الفكرة الرائعة و اترككم معها


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a small table in the beginning of the ss note book so when teacher correct the notebooks , she write the notes  she want the ss to take care of or praises them 

the result ...

 thanks miss salwa ..we love it

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